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How To Add Double Click To Copy Pre Content To Blogger

How to add Double Click to Copy Pre Content to Blogger, making it easy for visitors to copy syntax codes with a simple double-click.
How to add Double Click to Copy Pre Content to Blogger

Hello! Welcome to It Is Unique Blog - Official.

If you publish coding-related articles on your blog, you might have employed a Syntax Highlighter to present code snippets to your readers. To enhance the user experience and facilitate easy content copying for your visitors, consider exploring the insights shared in this informative article.

In this article, we'll be implementing a feature to enable Double Click to Copy Pre Content on any Blogger website. This enhancement aims to simplify the process for your visitors to copy the contents within the <pre> tags. By simply double-clicking on the Syntax Highlighter, they can effortlessly copy its contents to the clipboard, eliminating the need for manual code selection and copying.

How to add Double Click to Copy Pre Content?

Incorporating Double Click to Copy Pre Content on your Blogger website doesn't demand extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JS. The implementation has been pre-designed for you, requiring a straightforward integration of the provided codes into the appropriate sections of your Blogger Theme XML.

Before diving into the XML code implementation, I strongly advise you to take a backup of your current theme. This precautionary step ensures that in the event of any unforeseen issues, you'll have the means to restore your original theme configuration.

Step 1: Begin by logging in to your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the "Theme" section on the Blogger Dashboard.

Step 3: Click on the downward arrow icon located next to the 'customize' button.

Step 4: Select "Edit HTML" to access the editing page.

Step 5: Locate the code ]]></b:skin> and insert the provided CSS Codes immediately above it.

If your template includes a dark mode feature, and you wish to apply a distinct color for dark mode, you can tailor the codes to meet your preferences. Keep in mind that each template might have a unique dark mode class, so it's essential to customize accordingly. Feel free to substitute the designated class with the dark mode class specific to your template.

/* Toast Notification by It Is Unique Official */
.tNtf span{position:fixed;left:24px;bottom:-70px;display:inline-flex;align-items:center;text-align:center;justify-content:center;margin-bottom:20px;z-index:99981;background:#323232;color:rgba(255,255,255,.8);font-size:14px;font-family:inherit;border-radius:3px;padding:13px 24px; box-shadow:0 5px 35px rgba(149,157,165,.3);opacity:0;transition:all .1s ease;animation:slideinwards 2s ease forwards;-webkit-animation:slideinwards 2s ease forwards}
@media screen and (max-width:500px){.tNtf span{margin-bottom:20px;left:20px;right:20px;font-size:13px}}
@keyframes slideinwards{0%{opacity:0}20%{opacity:1;bottom:0}50%{opacity:1;bottom:0}80%{opacity:1;bottom:0}100%{opacity:0;bottom:-70px;visibility:hidden}}
@-webkit-keyframes slideinwards{0%{opacity:0}20%{opacity:1;bottom:0}50%{opacity:1;bottom:0}80%{opacity:1;bottom:0}100%{opacity:0;bottom:-70px;visibility:hidden}}
.darkMode .tNtf span{box-shadow:0 10px 40px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}

For users of the Latest Version of Median UI, Fletro Pro, or iMagz Template, you can enhance the styling by incorporating the following CSS directly beneath the previously provided code.

.pre:not(.tb):hover::before{content:'Double click to copy | </>'}
.pre:not(.tb).html:hover::before{content:'Double click to copy | .html'}
.pre:not(.tb).css:hover::before{content:'Double click to copy | .css'}
.pre:not(.tb).js:hover::before{content:'Double click to copy | .js'}

Step 6: Insert the following HTML code directly below the <body> tag. If you can't locate it directly, it's likely already parsed as &lt;body&gt;.

<!--[ Toast Notification by It Is Unique Blog - Official ]-->
<div id='toastNotif' class='tNtf'></div>

Step 7: Include the following Javascript Codes immediately above the </body> tag. If you can't locate it directly, it's likely already parsed as &lt;/body&gt;.

<b:if cond='data:view.isSingleItem'>
  <script>/*<![CDATA[*/ /* Pre Content Copy Script by It Is Unique Blog - Official */ for(var preClick=document.getElementsByTagName("pre"),i=0;i<preClick.length;i++)preClick[i].addEventListener("dblclick",function(){var e=getSelection(),o=document.createRange();o.selectNodeContents(this),e.removeAllRanges(),e.addRange(o),document.execCommand("copy"),e.removeAllRanges(),document.querySelector("#toastNotif").innerHTML="<span>Copied to clipboard!</span>"},!1); /*]]>*/</script>

Step 8: Finally, ensure to save the modifications by clicking on the designated save icon.

Writing Format of Syntax:


Syntax Writing Format for the Latest Version of Median UI, Fletro Pro, and iMagz Template:

Here's the recommended syntax writing format tailored for the most recent versions of Median UI, Fletro Pro, and iMagz templates:

<div class='pre html notranslate'>

The designated class name, marked as "Marked Class Name," can be substituted with either "html," "css," or "js" based on your specific code requirements.

Congratulations! With these implemented changes, your visitors can now conveniently double-click on the Syntax Highlighter to copy the contents within the <pre> tags. This enhancement simplifies the copying process and offers a more user-friendly experience on your website.

Alternative Usage

Utilizing Toast Notifications in JavaScript is an effective way to alert and notify your visitors. Below is an example that demonstrates how to employ this feature for notifying users on your website.

<button onclick='myFunction()'>Click me</button>

<div id='toastNotif' class='tNtf'></div>

  function myFunction() {
    document.getElementById('toastNotif').innerHTML = '<span>Notification Here</span>';

Omitting the addition of <div id='toastNotif' class='tNtf'></div> as it has already been included below the <body> tag.

Terms of Use

If you decide to implement the Copy Pre Content feature on your website, it's crucial not to remove any attributes from the provided codes to ensure its proper visibility.

If you choose to rewrite an article regarding this Copy Pre Content and utilize the provided codes, it is mandatory to include a reference with a visible and clickable link directing readers to our website: Failure to include this reference may result in legal actions being taken.

Mini Information

That concludes the guide on incorporating Copy Pre Content into your Blogger website. I trust you found this article enjoyable and informative. Kindly consider sharing it with others. Should you encounter any challenges in any section or have questions, feel free to ask in the comment box. Thank you for your attention!

What is Pre Content?

Pre-content in web development refers to the material that appears before the main content of a webpage. This can include introductory text, images, videos, or other elements that precede the primary content. It serves to provide context, engage users, and create a smoother transition into the core message of the page. Pre-content can also be used decoratively or to showcase important information that should be seen before the rest of the page loads. It plays a crucial role in web design by enhancing user experience and improving the overall presentation of the webpage.

What is the purpose of pre content on a webpage?

The <pre> tag in HTML is utilized to define preformatted text. This text is displayed in a fixed-width font, typically Courier, and any whitespace inside the element is rendered exactly as it appears in the HTML file. The primary purpose of preformatted text is to maintain the original formatting of the text, including spaces, tabs, and line breaks. This feature is particularly useful for displaying code snippets, poetry, ASCII art, or any text where preserving the exact spacing and formatting is crucial. By using the <pre> tag, you can ensure that the text is displayed precisely as it appears in the HTML file, without any additional formatting applied by the browser.

What are some examples of pre content?

Pre content can take various forms, such as displaying code snippets, preserving the formatting of poetry or ASCII art, and presenting text that relies on specific spacing or alignment for readability. For example, a programming website might utilize the <pre> tag to showcase code examples in a fixed-width font, ensuring that the code's formatting, including indentation and spacing, is maintained. Similarly, a site featuring ASCII art or displaying text that requires specific spacing, like a table or diagram created using text characters, could benefit from <pre> to retain the intended layout. Additionally, presenting text that depends on specific line breaks or whitespace, such as a formatted letter or document, can be effectively achieved using <pre> to preserve the original formatting.

How can pre content enhance user experience?

Pre content can significantly enhance user experience by improving the readability and clarity of certain types of text. For instance, when displaying code snippets or programming examples, using <pre> tags preserves the original formatting, including indentation and spacing. This preservation makes it easier for users, especially beginners or developers unfamiliar with the code, to understand the code structure.

Similarly, <pre> tags are invaluable for presenting ASCII art or text-based diagrams. They ensure that the art is displayed precisely as intended, maintaining its visual impact and artistic expression. This can add a creative element to a webpage and engage users in a unique and captivating way.

Moreover, when presenting text that requires specific spacing or alignment, such as poetry or formatted text, <pre> tags help maintain the author's intended layout. This improvement enhances the aesthetic appeal and overall readability of the content. In summary, by preserving the original formatting of certain types of text, <pre> content significantly enhances user experience by improving readability, clarity, and visual appeal.

Is pre content important for SEO?

The use of <pre> tags for pre content in HTML does not have a direct impact on SEO. Search engines primarily prioritize the textual content of a webpage and its relevance to search queries. However, pre content can indirectly affect SEO by enhancing user experience. When utilized effectively, preformatted text can improve the readability and presentation of specific content types, such as code snippets, poetry, or ASCII art. This improvement can lead to increased user engagement and longer dwell times on a webpage, which are factors that search engines may consider when ranking a page. Furthermore, well-formatted and structured content is more likely to be shared and linked to by users, which can also positively impact SEO. Overall, while pre content itself may not directly influence SEO, its impact on user experience and engagement can indirectly affect search engine rankings.

How should pre content be designed for optimal effectiveness?

For optimal effectiveness, designing pre content requires careful attention to both its visual presentation and underlying structure. Firstly, selecting a suitable font for preformatted text, such as a monospaced or fixed-width font like Courier, ensures consistent spacing and alignment. Additionally, organizing the content within the <pre> tag for readability is crucial. Proper indentation and line breaks should be used, especially for code snippets or ASCII art, to maintain clarity.

Accessibility is also essential. Providing alternative text or descriptions for visually complex preformatted content ensures that all users, including those using assistive technologies, can access the information.

Consider the context and overall design of the webpage when using pre content. Using appropriate styling and visual cues can distinguish preformatted text from regular content and highlight its unique formatting.

Test the pre content across different devices and browsers to ensure consistent display and readability. By designing pre content with these considerations in mind, you can maximize its effectiveness in conveying information clearly and engaging users effectively.

Can pre content be skipped or hidden on a webpage?

Yes, pre content can be hidden or skipped on a webpage using CSS or JavaScript. Despite the <pre> tag preserving the original formatting of text, styles can be applied to hide or modify its visibility. By setting the display property of the <pre> element to none using CSS, the content can be hidden from view. Alternatively, JavaScript can be used to dynamically hide or show the <pre> content based on user interactions or other conditions.

It's important to consider the consequences of hiding pre content. If the preformatted text contains crucial information, such as code examples or visual art, hiding it may impact the user experience, particularly for users relying on screen readers or other assistive technologies. To ensure accessibility and usability, it's recommended to provide alternative ways for users to access the content, such as through a link or button that reveals the hidden pre content.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating pre content?

When creating pre content, it's crucial to avoid common mistakes to ensure its effectiveness and presentation. One such mistake is forgetting to use the <pre> tag when displaying preformatted text. Without this tag, the browser won't preserve the original formatting, resulting in a loss of readability, especially for code snippets or ASCII art.

Another mistake is overusing or inappropriately using the <pre> tag. While it's useful for preserving formatting in certain cases, such as code or poetry, using it for all text on a webpage can make the content harder to read and disrupt the page's flow.

Properly formatting the text within the <pre> tag is also essential. This includes using correct indentation, line breaks, and spacing to maintain readability. Incorrect formatting can make it challenging for users to understand, particularly in code examples.

Considering accessibility is vital. Ensure that the content is accessible to all users, including those using screen readers. Provide alternative text or descriptions for visually complex preformatted content to ensure that everyone can easily access the information.

Versatile Professional | Blogger, Web Developer, & Trader | Bridging Content Creation, Tech Innovation, & Financial Markets

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Enter Image URL / Code Snippets / Quotes / name tag, then click parse button accordingly that you have entered. then copy the parse result and paste it into the comment field.

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