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How To Protect Blogger And WordPress Content From Copy

This article guides protecting Blogger and WordPress content, stressing vigilance, legal action, and crafting engaging, unique material.

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How to Protect Blogger And WordPress Content From Copy

Securing your Blogger and WordPress site content entirely from unauthorized copying poses a considerable challenge, given the inherent nature of web accessibility. Nevertheless, implementing certain measures can enhance the difficulty level for potential content copiers and act as a deterrent. It's important to note that these methods are not fail-safe, as determined individuals may still find ways to duplicate content. Here are some recommendations to bolster the protection of your content, understanding that complete prevention might be elusive.

Steps for disable right click and Text selection in Blogger

Step 1: Go and login to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2: In Blogger Dashboard, Go to Themes section 

Step 3: Now click on the drop down icon just beside the 'Customize' button.

Step 4: Click on 'Edit HTML', now you'll be redirected to the editing page.

Step 5: Search for </body> and paste the following JavaScript Just above it.

  // Right-click event handler
  document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default context menu
    alert('Right-clicking is disabled on this page.'); // Show a message
  // Keydown event handler to block specific shortcuts
  document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
    if (e.ctrlKey && (e.key === 'c' || e.key === 'C' || e.key === 'x' || e.key === 'X' || e.key === 'j' || e.key === 'J' || e.key === 'u' || e.key === 'U' || e.key === 'i' || e.key === 'I')) {
      e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default action for the blocked key combination
      alert('Keyboard shortcut is disabled on this page.'); // Show a message

Step 5: Search for </b:skin> and paste the following CSS Just above it.

/* Disable user text selection for all elements except pre and code */
body *:not(pre):not(code) {
    -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
    -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: none; /* IE 10+ */
    user-select: none;

/* Allow text selection for pre and code elements */
pre, code {
    -webkit-user-select: text; /* Safari */
    -moz-user-select: text; /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: text; /* IE 10+ */
    user-select: text;

Step 6: Save the changes by clicking on this icon .

Steps for disable right click and Text selection in WordPress

Certainly! If you want to disable user text-selection on your WordPress site, you can use the following CSS code. Please note that disabling text selection may not provide the best user experience, as it limits users' ability to interact with the content. Make sure to consider the implications before implementing such changes.

/* Disable user text selection for all elements except pre and code */
body *:not(pre):not(code) {
    -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
    -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: none; /* IE 10+ */
    user-select: none;

/* Allow text selection for pre and code elements */
pre, code {
    -webkit-user-select: text; /* Safari */
    -moz-user-select: text; /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: text; /* IE 10+ */
    user-select: text;

To add this code to your WordPress site, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Appearance" and then click on "Customize."
  3. In the Customizer, click on "Additional CSS" (or a similar option depending on your theme).
  4. Paste the CSS code into the text area.

Remember to save your changes. Keep in mind that disabling right-click and keyboard shortcuts may not be user-friendly and could potentially cause issues for some users. It's essential to consider the impact on accessibility and usability before implementing such restrictions.

Certainly! Disabling right-click and keyboard shortcuts can impact the user experience and accessibility of your website. However, if you have a specific reason for doing so, you can use the following JavaScript code. Please be aware that some users may find this restrictive and it may not be recommended for all websites.

// Disable right-click context menu
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (event) {

// Disable keyboard shortcuts
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
    // Add more keycodes as needed
    if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.key === "c" || event.key === "x" || event.key === "v") {

To add this code to your WordPress site, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Appearance" and then click on "Customize."
  3. In the Customizer, click on "Additional CSS" or a similar option depending on your theme.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the Additional CSS section and add a new custom HTML widget.
  5. Paste the JavaScript code into the custom HTML widget.

Remember to save your changes. This code will prevent users from selecting text on your site using their mouse or keyboard. Keep in mind that this may impact accessibility and user experience, so use it judiciously.

Additional Tips:

Use Watermarks: Embed watermarks onto your images or include a concise copyright notice. While this won't eliminate the possibility of copying, it can serve as a deterrent, dissuading individuals from utilizing your images without proper permission.

Establishing Content Delivery Policies: Develop clear and comprehensive policies governing the utilization of your content, and prominently showcase them on your website. While these measures may not completely prevent unauthorized copying, they serve as a deterrent and raise user awareness regarding copyright issues.

Vigilance and Reporting Procedures: Consistently monitor your content through tools such as Google Alerts or plagiarism detection services. In the event of identifying instances of unauthorized usage, take prompt and appropriate action, such as issuing takedown notices, to protect your intellectual property.

Terms of Service and Copyright Notification: Articulate your terms of service and copyright notice prominently on your blog. While this may not entirely eliminate the risk of content copying, it effectively communicates your rights and may dissuade potential violators from engaging in unauthorized use.


In this article, I've provided insights on "Securing Blogger and WordPress Content Against Unauthorized Copying." It's crucial to note that the measures outlined may pose challenges for casual content copiers, but it's important to recognize that individuals with advanced technical expertise can potentially overcome these obstacles. The most robust strategy for content protection entails remaining vigilant, leveraging legal avenues when necessary, and prioritizing the development of high-quality, unique content that naturally captivates genuine engagement from your audience.

Versatile Professional | Blogger, Web Developer, & Trader | Bridging Content Creation, Tech Innovation, & Financial Markets

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